what if local human agency is a resource for adaptation and resiliency?
What is Regenerative?
The Regenerative movement itself came out of the appropriation of Indigenous science by “studying” Indigenous relationships to land in Tasmania and other first nations peoples and then creating a pattern language and process to communicate its replication. This is something typically omitted from the Permaculture world or often debated upon. Regeneration or Regenerative Agriculture is the westernized practice of indigenous science removed from local indigenous cultures without much attribution to its sourcing and much more emphasis around discovery and invention than the assimilation of known principles.
However, in the context of this site, we understand that indigenous knowledge on ecology was never intended to be separated from culture to begin with. This work is a reclamation of our interdependent relationships living between ecology and culture which bridges the gaps between mind and heart.
In living indigenous cultures: the transmission of knowledge, wisdom, and equity all occur in deep intimacy within ecology. In these living cultures, the same functions of the university, the government, and the marketplace are all nested within ecology.there is no such thing as a form of benefit or gain which jeopardizes the integrity of a culture.
Essentially how do we teach, grow, share, and enact a just world with kindness and reciprocity for the living web of life?
Another question we hold is this: Can the attributes of living indigenous cultures be a design baseline for stewardship initiatives throughout local communities? This kind of question however, must be inherently nested into conciliation and reconciliation.